
Red Tea is Love

I’ve come to love tea over the winter – red tea in particular! It’s just wonderful on cold days and much healthier and tastier than plain water. But there are a lot of different types of this drink, so let me talk about a few that I have tried 🙂

Pu Erh Tea

The red Pu Erh tea is increasingly appreciated in the West, especially because of its health effects. It is considered a slimming agent as it is said to stimulate fat burning. Experimental experiments with rats, for example, have shown that certain chemicals in red tea can inhibit the synthesis of cholesterol. This red tea should also have an antibacterial and purifying effect and is often used for detox.

For example, it has a stimulating effect on the liver metabolism, as an indicator is the proven accelerated degradation of alcohol in the blood. However, these are all indications of the positive effects of this red tea on the body, which have not yet been scientifically confirmed. Our tip therefore: Try the red tea yourself to form your own opinion about the effect and taste of this special tea. However, please note that you should drink a maximum of 5-6 cups of red Pu Erh tea a day, otherwise too much caffeine is consumed.

The red Pu Erh tea is made from the so-called Qingmao tree, a subspecies of the tea bush camellia sinesis. This tree grows mainly in the Chinese province of Yunnan, near the city of Pu’er. The tea, which was originally still green, is left at a high temperature and humidity for several hours after harvesting, so the tea leaves ferment. The special feature of this red tea is that it goes through a long storage period during which it slowly ripens. Thus it develops its characteristic earthy, slightly smoky taste. Bacteria and microorganisms are responsible for the natural ripening process. However, since the 1970s, a process has been developed to accelerate the ripening process by the artificial addition of bacteria.

Originally, the red Pu Erh tea was pressed into bricks or cakes for easy storage and transport. In the meantime it is also available to buy loose. The red Pu Erh tea is one of the oldest varieties of red tea and has probably been produced since 1700 years. Under the Tang Dynasty (607-907) the cultivation was first cultivated, since then Pu Erh tea is highly appreciated in the Chinese tea world. But not only Pu Erh tea is an interesting Chinese tea, Keemun is also one of the so-called “red teas”.


The red Keemun tea, chinese:”Qi-Men”, comes from near the world famous yellow mountain in Anhui province. This tea is best known for the many high quality green teas grown here. Since the late 19th century, however, great “red teas” such as Keemun have also been produced there. The red tea Keemun has hardly any bitter substances and therefore tastes very mild. It often has a fruity taste with a hint of blossom aroma. Its leaves are long and thin with a reddish shimmer. Due to its mild taste, this red tea is an excellent afternoon tea and is highly appreciated by the English. Red Keemun tea is therefore often a component of English blends.


Another famous red tea is the Yunnan, also known as Dian Hong tea. “Dian” is an abbreviation for Yunnan and “Hong” stands for red. The province of Yunnan is considered “the province of eternal spring” and is one of the most beautiful landscapes in the world. It offers unique plant diversity and optimal climatic conditions for red tea.

Yunnan teas have a pleasant fruity flavor, often reminiscent of decently ripe plums. The infusion is golden to orange.

Rooibos tea

Rooibos tea is sometimes called red tea because of its reddish shining leaf. However, Rooibos is not tea at all, as it has nothing to do with the tea plant camellia sinesis, but is produced from a small South African bush plant that grows exclusively in the Cedar mountains of the South African province of West Cape. Rooibos tea contains many minerals such as magnesium, calcium and zinc and has a very healthy effect on humans. This tea has a soft sweetish to earthy taste.

5 Cute Meal Prep Ideas

Alright everyone, it is time for another shout out to Youtube and its many useful resources. I love videos on healthy food ideas, as it is ideal for learning new recipes very easily and come about new ways to prepare food. Here is a video that I watched on Saturday and I have started to try these meals myself (so far I’ve only made one).

Not only are they diverse and healthy, they are neatly sized and neither overbearing nor too little to be filling. There is a keen mix of green, sea food, and meat. In my view, these are about as perfect as dishes can get, so I encourage you to check them out yourself!

Also, we have gotten deeper into applications of red tea for detox and fitness alike. Stay tuned for some of our experiences on that!

My Favorite Poses for a Good Yoga Burn

yoga burnA lot of people don’t yet know the benefits of doing yoga when it comes to shedding pounds by enhancing our metabolic process. With the simple yoga poses explained below, you can change the way you feel for the better – it certainly did that for me! Apart from helping you to lean your muscles, these poses are going tone up your entire body. In general, I recommend following a video program like Yoga Burn (review), so you truly know what to do.

1. Wind-Releasing Pose

This particular pose is going to target mainly your abdomen area For this, you need to lie down on the ground and bring the knees up to the chest while your ankles remain together. Next, after clasping your arms over the knees, you must bring your head up from the floor. After taking a deep breath while you feel the stretch working your abs, try to unwind gradually.

2. Cobra Pose

It will be possible to make your abdominal muscles strong by reducing your stomach fat while performing this yoga burn pose. Also, several other parts of your body including the abdomen, back, and the entire upper part are going to be strengthened. Your chin must be kept on the ground while your toes touch the floor.

After that, try to lift your chest up gradually while bending backward. In this way, your body is going to resemble that of the Cobra which has raised its head so as to strike. This pose has to be maintained for about half a minute, and then you need to bring down your body slowly to the prone position. This must be repeated for at least 5 to 6 times with a gap of about fifteen seconds between each round. However, try to avoid doing this pose in case you’re suffering from any back injury, hernia, ulcer, or if you’re expecting a baby.

3. Plow Pose

This pose is considered to be the mother of all poses given that it affects our metabolic rate significantly. It is vital to perform this pose with caution since it is one of the advanced poses out there. Take care to safeguard your neck by not turning your head sideways while performing this pose. Lay on the back with both legs straight up as if you’re about to walk on the ceiling. Your palms must be pressed down on the ground beside your hips while lifting the hips up. Although you might not succeed in doing this pose in the first attempt, do not give up and repeat it several times.

After completing this initial yoga phase, you are going to perform the second phase of the Plow Position. Here the goal is to connect the chest to the chin while keeping your back straight. Your shoulder girdle is going to bear the weight of your entire body. In the third and last phase, the spine must be kept straight while you need to bring the toes over the head to the floor. While doing this, it is advisable to keep your legs as much straight as possible. It’s important not to look anywhere else while you are in this position. Following this, hold the pose for several minutes to obtain the optimum benefits.